Wednesday, August 29, 2012

i am just sorry.

I am sorry I'm not perfect.
I am sorry I called you my hero.
I am sorry I looked up to you.
I am sorry that I called you my friend.
I am sorry I can't ANYTHING right.
I am sorry I make mistakes.
I am sorry I am perfectly lonely.
I am sorry for being Taylor.
I am sorry for being passionate .
I am sorry I post too much.
I am sorry that I am living my life. Not for you, but for me.

Actually, you know what. I'm NOT sorry and neither are you.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Check. Check. One. Two.

You. Need. A. Reality. Check.

Clearly you think it is okay to;
Be rude. judgmental. miss perfect.
and so much more.

I hope you know that you are no better than me or the guy on the side of the road looking for a house and eating out of trash cans.

You say "oh I'm a good christian" and all that other stuff, but in reality,
You are making a joke out of people.
Does making fun of people make you feel good inside? Does it make you feel like you did something good?
Hopefully not.
I just hope you realize that one day, it'll all backfire.
You won't be little miss perfect anymore.. You'll probably end up like the guy you made fun of looking for a home.

Make sure you're perfect before you say anything negative to a person.

Check and mate.


You think you're so much better.
You aren't.
Get over it.
Get a life.
Respect others.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Don't be arrogant.
Don't brag.
It is pretty simple.

I'm tired of you. Bye.


I am really starting to question who my real friends are.
1) you act like you are better than me.
2) you think you are more popular
3) etc.
Truth is. We're equal. God made us..
e q u a l.
get over yourself and realize that.
just because you have more money than me does not mean a thing.
I just don't know why you think it's okay to act like this.


Friday, August 3, 2012


Fearless isn't about the absence of fear. It's about being unafraid.
It's like walking up to someone and saying "you're NOT sorry"
Yes, I know what you are thinking right now "you are quoting Taylor Swift"
Actually no.
I remember saying "You're NOT sorry" to many people. I remember saying "You are a liar, and pathetic" I remember saying "I laugh at my mistakes so, pardon me when I laugh in your face" all of that is Fearless.
Life is too short to not take risks.
You're probably a teen reading this so
Take chances
Make mistakes
Kiss in the rain
Dream even if it breaks your heart
Fall for your best friend
Party hard
Run in the hallways at school
Get in fights
But mostly,
You're a teenager. Embrace it.
So next time you think oh "yolo" you should really think I'm fearless. Right?

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Do you honestly think you know me?

Here's what you do know;
I'm a girl. I love photography.
That's pretty much it..

You don't know how insecure I am.
You don't know what it feels like to be me.
Nobody does.
I human can not be defined..
Only judged.
And that's the whole problem now a days. All we want to do is talk crap and start drama. All it does is escalade into bigger problems. Trust me. I'm pretty sure we've all been there and done that.

But here's my point.
The only person that knows me, is me. I don't care if you are my mom, dad, sister, best friend, or aunt. You don't know me, and you never will.
Because I am unwritten and undefined.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Move Along.

I'm done. Just done with everyone and everything. I'm just tired of people, and life. I give up. I have no clue what to do anymore. Do I just let it all go? Do I let it all slip away? Here's what I do know.
You hate me.
I hate you too, but I don't.
Sometimes I feel like my "Friends" are just using me, or pretending.

Most of the time I sit in my room an think about all of this and more;
What would have happened if I said yes?
What would have happened if I didn't hang out with you that one night?
What will happen in 7 years?
I just want to give up. But then I remember that I'm only 14, and I have a whole life ahead of me.

Then I just say; move along.
That is what I live by. Move along. Let it go. Tomorrow is a new day.

Just to make it through, move along.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Here goes nothing.
This year, I'll be a freshman.
Nervous. Excited. Sad. Happy.
Why is time flying by so fast? Why can't I just be a little kid again. When I was little I always wanted to grow up, well now, I regret every time I said "I wish I was a grown up, I can do anything I want." I don't want to pay bills. I don't want to pay taxes. And most of all I don't want to wake up at 5:00 am every morning just to get ready for work. I don't know if I will even have a job little lone be married even. I've been thinking a lot lately. About life, the future, people, god, this upcoming school year. I have to say.. that it's kinda opening my own eyes. Thinking about the things that I have ever said to someone. Thinking that I'm not as close to god as I should be. Thinking what will happen when I am in 9th grade that's High school. Credits will be counted.. I want to Graduate, and I want to go to a good college. And it's so hard to think about growing up.
I love how people think it's so cool to be older.
For example
Girl " woohoo I can't wait to be a Freshman"
Boy " haha, I'll be a junior, get some"
Like does it really look like I care? This just means you'll have Grey hair before I do.
Being older doesn't make you cooler, or more special.. It just means you were born before me.

 I honestly have no idea what I am going to do this year. I don't know who I am supposed to be...
but here's what people expect; 'Little miss perfect'
nobody will ever be perfect. Not even Taylor Swift. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of  Taylor's, but she's not perfect. I just understand.     Ha who am I kidding I don't understand anything. I'll never know what the meaning of life. The absolute true meaning.. but then again, I'm only Fourteen. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tell me why.

Tell me why.
Just tell me. Why, do we go into Walmart and have the rudest things to say about people and give people the dirtiest looks? Why do we have to always argue with the ones we love the most. Why must we put labels on people such as "popular, rich, poor, stuck up, ugly, pretty, hot, stupid." didn't God make us all equal? Tell me why Gay people have to walk down the hallway and possibly get things thrown at their face? Their human right? It's not like they were sent down from Venus. They were born from their mother just like you, and I. Why. Why . Why? Society has a way of telling us things, and I bet you don't know howX Social Media. Instagram, Facebook, we heart it, tumblr, twitter, my space. Every single social networking site you can think of basically tells us how to act, what to wear, who to be friends with, and how to treat others. But guess what, it's all one big lie. The only thing you should be listening to is God, and your parents or guardians. I know the bible says that if you are gay, you will not go to heaven. But, that couldn't be true. No one has the original copy of the bible, it has probably been re written so many times, it's not even funny. Now I'm not saying that I don't believe in want the bible says, I'm just saying the nobody knows if that's really true or not. The only person that will is god. Right. The bible also says to not judge- but everyone judges anyways, so does that mean were not going to heaven? Box only god knows the answer. So now tell me why we label people.


Here is how it all started.
One day I was on Instagram; looking at all the people I followed.
One person was an amazing Photographer. I was like wow.. I wish I could take pictures like that. So I went outside to take pictures of nature. That day I learned how to work the camera on my phone. Haha. Any how, back to the story.. Then I realized, hey, I want to be a Photographer. So, I got my moms credit card and went to Amazon.. the website that is. I was looking for these really cool Iphone lenses! It took me a while, but i finally found them. *Adds to cart, check out , place order* done! The next week it came in. I was super pumped! I opened it, and placed it onto my Iphone 4. It took some pretty good pictures. This is when I really believed in myself, if I keep working I can invest in a pretty good camera. So one day, we were at my grandparents house. They said " Taylor you're getting pretty at taking pictures" Of course being the person that I am, was flattered and accepted the compliment. "Thank you so much (:" I said. Then, they said this "We want you to have something" I had all sorts of ideas in my mind: * is it candy.. no.. is it a camera??? uh it can't be.. maybe it is.. no, that's too much.. ugh WHAT IS IT?? * "Taylor, we want you to have this camera of ours" I was jumping up and down. I was so excited! When I got home, I was already messing with it. It took me a day to figure out the whole entire camera. Did I mention it was a Canon Powershot Pro 1? Guess not.. Any who, as time progressed, I really figured out how to capture great shots that tell a great story. Now, I am wayy more into Photography then I ever thought I would be. I thank god every night that I found the one thing that I am actually good at.. Well the moral of this story, is never give up on the things that you love to do the most. It just takes time and practice. The last words I have are good luck.

You're still an innocent;


Hello, my name is Taylor.
I'm the girl that most people find annoying..
They think that I post on Twitter and Instagram way too much, they think i'm insanely loud, they think they can pick on me because i'm small.
Here is the T R U T H.
I want to be a photographer.
I say what is on my mind almost at all times.
I am one outgoing and crazy girl.
But, nobody knows it.
The more you pick on a person the more they hide their true colors. Then before you know it, they lose them. They start to think "nobody cares about me, nobody cares to see the real me, eveyone hates me" Then they could go into deep depression, and could kill themselves. This is what society has done to us. It has brainwashed us. We all have to judge now a days, and don't say that you have never judged anyone. When you are at Wal Mart and you see that girl wearing that terrible outfit, you think "where is Stacy and Cliton" that my friend it judging. Before you think that about this girl, think about this
"maybe she can't offord nice clothing, maybe she is a divorced and the husband left her with 4 kids, maybe she is just having a bad day and having a hard time getting by"
have you ever thought about that, probably not.
Yeah the girl you called "Cake Face"; has to cover up her brusies, cuts, and scars.
Yeah the boy you called "emo, and a depressed freak"; just lost his mom, brother, and dad in a car wreck.
Yeah the girl you called "Flat chested" has an incaved chest, which is when you have basically a hallowed out hole in your chest area.
So, next time, think before you say something negitve about a person, you don't know their story, and you probably never will. Just think " What if that was me"